
The Immortal Slayer - Chapter 2

"What?" Willow yelled as she stood up, knocking over her chair. Hearing it hit the floor she looked up, remembering she was still in the library. She looked over at Giles' office, but there was no sign that he had heard anything. Buffy had left earlier to run some errands, leaving Willow the quiet solitude of the library to do research. Willow looked back down at what she had just read. In disbelief she picked up her chair, sat down and looked around the library even though she knew no one else was there. Biting her lip she looked back down at the book, knowing what she was reading was the biggest prophecy they had come across yet.

The words on the pages began to blur as she lost focus, struggling with herself to decide what she must do. She figured Giles would already know about this prophecy. Maybe this was even what he had been so intent upon discussing with Buffy earlier today. She read over the passage in the book again, forming soundless words with her lips.

'There is one chosen one, for each of the twelve sections. They have no knowledge of the others. The Council will disavow any knowledge if confronted. Only Watchers have access to this information and they are sworn to never tell their slayer, until after the coming of the Universal One. The slayers will then unite to fight the evil of the Dark Goddess.'

Willow read it through a few more times, feeling thoroughly confused. The idea that there were twelve slayers rather than one was hard to consider, especially with all the trouble they've had in Sunnydale, and no one else had shown up to help, except Kendra. But that was only because Buffy had technically died.

Then after Kendra died there was Faith, but she was since long gone. Faith took off after accidentally staking a human and now no one knew where she was. Buffy had tried to find out, but there wasn't any of way of knowing if she was even still alive.

As Willow pondered the concept of a Universal One, she decided to speak about it with Giles. Picking up the book she turned to start towards the office when Buffy walked into the library. Seeing Buffy, Willow had doubts as to whether or not she should approach Giles right now. Since she was unsure of how much Buffy knew about the other slayers, Willow decided to take the book home and wait until later to talk to Giles.

"Hey Willow. Is Giles still here?"

"Yeah, he's in his office." Willow replied, nervously tucking the book in her bag.

"You okay Will?" Buffy cocked her head to the side, eyeing her best friend suspiciously.

"Yeah. I'm fine. Big science thingy…due..." She trailed off, acting preoccupied with her book bag. "You know me. Science gets me giddy." Willow added, hoping Buffy didn't see right through her.

"You've escalated to giddy now? We definitely have to go Bronzing more." Buffy sighed before continuing, "You headed home?"

"Yep. Science. Big important stuff."

"Yeah." Buffy agreed, wondering how anyone could get this excited over science. "You wanna wait around a bit and I'll walk you -"

"No." Willow said, almost a little too quickly. "The sun's not even down yet. I'll be fine. I'll call when I get in."

"Okay Will. Bye." Buffy answered before walking into Giles' office to discuss the Immortal Slayer some more.


Fed up with trying to find other references of the Immortal Slayer in the books available to her, Willow decided to check her website again instead. So far it was more of a message board than a full site, but as time went on she hoped to add a classification system of demons, vampires, and other big bads. After logging on she sat back, impatiently waiting for the page to load. She had sent out emails upon emails and posted to as many message boards as she could. Slowly a smile spread across her face. There was a message. Maybe not quite the jump-start she had hoped for, but it was still something.

~ Love the site, good idea! I like stakes personally. ~ Anon.

She quickly hit the reply button, her excitement growing. She knew it wasn't much, but it did mean that someone knew her site was there.

~ Thanks! I'm not sure how to get this going, but here goes nothing. Right now I'm researching the Dark Goddess. I find it quite intriguing. Please reply if you know anything. If you want, send e-mail. ~ Saille

Willow smiled. She couldn't wait to get a response. She also liked using her screenname. It allowed her to be different if she wanted. On the 'net she didn't have to be shy and self-conscious. Willow could be whoever she wanted to be. And she wanted to be Saille. Which meant Willow, according to the book she picked it out of. So she figured she was still herself, and yet not herself. She shook her head, and decided not to dwell on it any longer. After checking her email, Willow picked up one of her books again and began searching for anything to do with the Dark Goddess or the Immortal Slayer.

As she flipped through the pages she began wondering if the Dark Goddess and the Immortal Slayer could be the same person. She knew she would have to talk to someone soon or she would crumble trying to figure it all out. In the middle of a page she found a sentence referring to the Dark Goddess.

'The Dark Goddess is a solitary woman who will bring a race together for a common cause.'

"Not too vague is it?" Willow said sarcastically. Sighing she looked back over the passage, but couldn't find any other reference to the Dark Goddess or a mention of the Immortal Slayer. All the rest of the passage talked about was the Watcher's Council. Why this sentence was stuck in the middle of a tirade about Watchers' responsibilities with their slayers was beyond Willow. As she contemplated the possibilities of the Dark Goddess and the Immortal Slayer being the same person or arch enemies, she also tried to figure out whom to tell. She knew Giles was the reasonable choice and that he would listen to her, but with whatever he and Buffy kept discussing, Willow felt as though she would be an outsider intruding upon them. The only way she would feel comfortable talking to Giles would be if she managed to catch him alone and that would be near impossible. Her thoughts then turned to Xander, but she dismissed the idea quickly enough. He wasn't big on the whole prophecy deal in the first place, and would probably accidentally tell the wrong people. The next person Willow thought of was Angel. After restoring his soul she felt as though she could talk to him, like they shared some kind of a bond now. It was a good feeling, especially since Xander was off with Cordelia so much lately. After planning her course of action Willow went to bed, satisfied with her decision.

