
The Immortal Slayer - Chapter 11

Angel leaned back against the slate wall, his gaze fixed intently upon Astra. He was unsure of how much he wanted to trust her, this person who looked and sounded like the Willow he knew. It was disconcerting to see Willow, yet know that's not who she was. Watching her he noticed not only a confidence that Willow exhibited rarely, but also cockiness that Willow never had. Astra was currently walking around the living room going through whatever she felt like messing with. She had rifled through his books already and was now running her hand over the back of the couch with disdain. Obviously there was more to the ritual than what he or the gang had been able to find out. Whatever had happened to Willow, it was more than just losing her memory. Angel was resolved to find out the truth about the matter. And the best way he could do that was to make Astra talk.

"All right. What happened to Willow? And just who the hell are you?" Angel asked, or rather demanded as he walked towards Astra.

Turning to face him, Astra replied with no real expression on her face. "Well, that was blunt."

"It's one of my specialties. Willow was supposed to lose her memories after the ritual. But you're not Willow at all."

"Blunt and insightful." Astra said, a raised eyebrow the only feature to betray any emotion to the vampire. She upheld her arrogant demeanor, although she was just as unsettled as this vampire was. She had never before tried to inhabit a body and the experience was rather taxing. Until she knew more about this group of people surrounding Willow, she would not allow her limitations to show.

Angel had to exert all his self-control not to morph into his vampire visage, or do something worse. All his emotions were running high and this girl was sitting there, mocking him.

Astra crossed her arms and allowed a slight smirk to creep onto her face. She could see the tension in his body as he tried to control his emotions. She decided she liked this vampire. Taking a seat in the chair Astra sat back, crossed her legs and tried to keep a cool composure. She found it very hard to fight the urge to fidget.

"What's the deal? Who are you?"

Sighing softly, she let a little bit of her guard down. She didn't want to overwhelm him, and she had to know he was ready. "I'm Astra, the Universal Slayer. A separate entity from the body I now inhabit."

"So what have you done to Willow?"

"Nothing. She's here, just as she was. She's safe. There is no need to worry about her." Astra replied, waiting to see his reaction.

"Somehow, that's not very reassuring." Angel said in a low voice that resembled a growl.

"I assure you nothing has happened to Willow."

"Yes, something has happened to Willow. Or I would be talking to Willow now. What, exactly, did the ritual do?" Angel asked, tiring of her vague answers.

"The ritual allowed me to enter Willow's body and …take over, if you will." Astra was slightly surprised at just how insightful and persistent this vampire was. She didn't think she'd be explaining herself so soon.

"Why did you have to take over?"

"It was necessary."

"Be glad you're in Willow's body." Angel mumbled under his breath, turning away from her. He wanted answers.

"Why?" Astra asked in a firm, clear voice to the back of his head.

Angel turned and looked at her, slightly surprised. "Because otherwise I would use any means necessary to make you talk. I want answers." He spoke those three words as if each were a sentence of its own.

Astra smiled as she looked at Angel, intrigued. "Good. That pleases me."

Once again Angel was taken by surprise. He threatened her and yet she was pleased? Tensing the muscles in his body, he decided to wait for her to continue.

"Yes. That pleases me. It shows that you will do anything necessary to protect what you love, even if it means doing nothing at all. Your strength and composure show that you will be a far greater asset than I first thought." Astra said, smiling. "Perhaps now I should inform you a little more about me. That is after you tell me about your group of acquaintances."

Angel walked over to the couch and sat down, leaning forward on his knees, and simply waited for her questions. He did not allow his mind to focus on what Astra had just said 'protect what you love' because he'd be lost in a world of tumultuous thoughts if he did so. Right now he had to focus on the bigger problem. Contemplating something that he felt couldn't be wouldn't help any.

Astra's forehead creased as she puzzled over what could cause the dazed look on Angel's face as he sat down. She desperately wanted to ask him what his thoughts were, but knew that would only raise his defenses. Pulling her legs up under her in the chair she settled in for a long conversation. Once she began, she knew it would last a long time. They both had many questions to ask the other.


The next day the gang congregated in the library, focusing on researching the Dark Goddess, while waiting to hear something from Angel.

As the phone began ringing everyone jumped at the noise. Smiling nervously at being caught so off guard Giles hurried over to answer it. Buffy and Xander waited impatiently to hear what was going on.

"That was Angel. He said he would meet us here shortly after sunset." Giles told Buffy and Xander as he hung up the phone.

"That's all?" Buffy asked, her tone almost childish as she hoped for information about her friend.

Giles nodded slightly, "Yes Buffy, that's all he said."

"Well, I guess we should go into research mode, right? Try and find out who these past enemies are or whatever." Xander said, feeling helpless because there was nothing he could do for Willow.

"Yes, Xander. Although it seems we've lost a great benefit without Willow here to man the computer." Giles said, immediately wishing he hadn't. Buffy and Xander's faces fell; they were both worried for their friend.

"I'll pound away on the computer as best I can," Buffy offered, "and you two can hit the books."

"Thank you Buffy. Be sure to check Willow's webpage, I think she has it…uh…marked or something." Giles said.

"Sure thing, I'm on it." Buffy replied.

Sitting down at the computer she looked through the sites that were already bookmarked. Slayers Anonymous, that's the one I need. Within a few clicks she was on the right page. Now she had to pick out the messages that might actually mean something. After thoroughly going over them she called for Giles and Xander to come over.

"Well, I found Willow's site, and here are the messages I thought might actually help. I think Willow told them about needing to find an enemy from the past and everything."

~ Saille, the 'enemy from the past' you seek is someone who would not join forces with the Dark Goddess. Please be careful. ~ CouncilGirl

~ This pair of enemies you're looking for, I'm pretty sure they're a couple. At least that's what the books I've found point to. ~ Liv4slayin

"This is sounding more and more like Spike and Dru. I don't like it." Buffy said, expressing her discomfort at the idea that they might have to go to Spike for information.


Angel and Astra showed up at the library right after the sun went down. As they walked in Buffy, Giles, and Xander all looked up and fixed their stares on the form of Willow as if they could make her return.

"Hello Angel" Buffy said, crossing her arms in a mixture of defiance and self-protection, while her gaze was still pinned on Astra. Buffy was unsure of what emotions to let through and how she should act towards this new person.

"Astra has a bit of explaining to do. It will help you all to understand what is going on with her and Willow." Angel told the rest of the gang as he took a seat and motioned for them to do the same.

"Okay, let's hear it." Buffy said sitting down glancing nervously at Giles and Xander's worried faces. They were all curious to know exactly what was going on.

"My name is Astra. I'm the Universal Slayer. I was here when the first slayer was born, and I will be here when the last slayer dies." Astra paused, allowing the others to fully comprehend what she was saying. They were having a hard time separating Willow from Astra since they were unsure of what was going on. Buffy looked over at Angel, signaling him to clarify what Astra had just said.

"Astra is separate from Willow. A totally separate entity…" Angel started, as Astra broke in.

"Yes. I am not Willow at all as far as the mind goes. I have inhabited her body."

"You've taken over Willow's body and mind? So what happened to Willow?" Buffy asked, almost afraid to hear the answer.

"Willow's mind is still intact. I have only exerted control over it for the time being. I have chosen Willow to become the Immortal Slayer. I took over so I could slowly infuse all the information I have into her mind. She will gain the knowledge of every slayer who has perished. I chose Willow because of her knowledge of magic. I needed someone with a natural ability who could encompass all that I had to offer. By inhabiting her body I am allowing a part of myself to stay with her. This is how she will become immortal. I am also going to help her to defeat the Dark Goddess."

"How long until Willow is Willow again?" Xander asked, only wanting his best friend back.

"I'm not sure. Her mind is not yet ready to handle all the information I am giving her. Perhaps another week."

Almost everyone in the room gave a sigh, not wanting to wait that long to be sure that Willow was okay.

"So, you're not Willow at all?" Buffy asked.

"No. I am Astra."

"The Universal Slayer and The Immortal Slayer are two separate entities then, correct?" Giles asked, thinking it would have been easier if he had known that all along.

"Yes. I am the Universal Slayer. I am responsible for creating the slayers and the Watcher's Council. I knew I would need help in this fight against vampires and demons. I have handpicked every slayer. I have handpicked most of the watchers for those slayers. The Council does not always do my bidding though."

"Wait. So you're the one who forced this destiny on my shoulders? Why did it have to be me? Why did you choose me?" Buffy was finally able to ask someone who could give her the answer.

"Because, Buffy, you are strong hearted and strong willed. I knew you would be able to handle your calling. And that you would force everyone involved to think outside the lines. You are not afraid to challenge authority, but you are also not afraid to follow the rules." Astra told Buffy the truth and hoped it would help the girl feel less burdened. Buffy was her best slayer yet.

Buffy looked at Astra, the anger subsiding from her facial features, and allowed herself to believe what Astra had said. Buffy was amazed that someone thought that high of her. As she looked over at Giles, she realized he thought that, and even more. Slowly Buffy allowed a small smile to come across her face as she realized how lucky she really was.

