
The Immortal Slayer - Chapter 14

Walking into The Bronze Astra was greeted by an onslaught of sights and sounds. She paused, causing Angel to run into her. Buffy and Xander were already lost to her among the haze caused by a fog machine.

"What's wrong?" Angel asked, wondering of the atmosphere of the Bronze might be a bit much for her.

"What?" Astra felt as though her head were threatening to explode. All the different things going on were assailing her senses.

Angel gently steered her toward a table in a somewhat quieter spot on the floor. Sitting down she took another look around the place, to really see what was going on. The dance floor was packed, people moving their bodies in ways Astra would never have thought possible. There were some people sitting and talking, though not very many. After noticing a couple making out by the stairs Astra looked up to see another level. She felt bombarded by all the people doing so many various things.

"I feel like I'm gonna go crazy. I don't know who or what to pay attention to." Astra looked back over at Angel deciding she would never be able to take this all in.

"It can be overwhelming. Try sitting back, closing your eyes and concentrating on the band. Then keep letting a little more in." Astra sat back and tried to focus on the band. They were playing a good song with a strong beat, and a slow melody. Soon she allowed herself to hear the different sounds of the bar, and the clink of pool balls. Slowly she opened her eyes and searched out Buffy and Xander on the dance floor. Rotating her gaze around the room she became uncomfortable as she looked into Angel's eyes. The quiet yearning Astra saw there was more than she could handle.

"Hey guys." Buffy said walking up to the table with Xander trailing behind. Astra was only too happy to turn her attention to Buffy. Angel's stare had left her unsettled and she felt it was meant more for Willow than herself.

"So, how do you like the Bronze?" Xander asked Astra as he leaned against the back of a vacant chair.

"It's okay." Astra shrugged, still unsure of how she felt.

"Only okay?" Xander's voice sounded incredulous as he turned her reply into a question. "Come on." He grabbed Astra's hand leading her onto the dance floor. "If dead boy there won't entertain you, then I will."

Astra smiled as she disappeared into the middle of the writhing mass of people on the dance floor.


"So, Astra seems pretty okay. Any better idea of when Willow will be back?" Buffy looked around, trying to keep an awkward silence at bay.

His voice heavy Angel replied. "No. She hasn't told me any more than she's told you."

Buffy heard the agitation and could see it in his demeanor as well. Hoping she wasn't overstepping any boundaries she softly voiced her thoughts. "You miss her, don't you?"

"Of course I miss her. She's my friend too." Angel snapped without realizing it.

"I know Angel, but you miss her more than that, don't you?" She asked again, her voice catching in her throat.

Angel looked over at her then and saw the shine to her eyes. "Yes, Buffy. I do." He stated honestly.

Buffy kind of nodded, unsure of herself. She didn't know what to feel right now. To be honest she had known the friendship between Willow and Angel had been growing stronger. Since Astra took over Willow's body Buffy had also noticed Angel's anxiousness, his longing looks, and his worried glances. In a way she was jealous that Willow could affect Angel in such a strong way and that Willow could be with him forever where Buffy never could have. In another part of her heart, Buffy hoped the two would find the happiness they both deserved.

Wiping the unshed tears from her eyes she looked up at Angel. "You hurt her in any way, you ever break her heart and I'll kill you." She paused a moment to let Angel see the seriousness of her threat and then to lighten the mood she jokingly added, "As long as I'm alive at least. Although I'm sure I could find a way to come back as a ghost or something and kill you then."

Both Buffy and Angel fell silent as Xander returned to the table with Astra.

"So, what do you think of the Bronze now?" Xander asked as he took a seat.

"I definitely like the dancing, although I'm totally worn out. How many songs did we dance to anyway?"

"Four I think. Maybe we can make with the dancing some more after a much needed break."

Astra smiled catching her breath. Clutching the edge of the table she was sure she'd fall over if she didn't sit down. Exhausted she lowered herself into the last empty chair surrounding the table.

"Hey, Buff, you wanna join us next time?" Xander waited a moment and getting no response began waving his hand in front of her face. "Hello. Earth to Buffy."

"Huh?" Buffy smiled apologetically as she shared a look with Angel; a silent agreement that they were okay with each other.

"I'll get us some drinks." Angel offered excusing himself from the table.

Astra stared after him only able to wonder what the look shared with Buffy might have meant.

