Old Session Data

Session 1
The children of the spelljammer party meet after 50 years and try to figure out why the town is randomly rioting.
DM: Epametheus
Players: Akito (Angela), Dr. GOD (Rydia), Fallout (Achika), MUTS (Talyn), Neobolts (Mizu-Yasha), Shandroa (Sylvia), Tundra (Danyelle), Zagnor (Jennifer)
Major NPCs: Kazenoyon Jeniko
Setting: City of Sevianna, Outlands
Additional Info: n/a

Session 2a
Mizu-yasha, Jeniko, Danyelle, and Sylvia go to the city of Aerna and begin the process of bailing the city out...
DM: Epametheus
Players: Indauurata(Dihan), Neobolts(Mizu-Yasha), Shandroa(Sylvia), Tundra(Danyelle)
Major NPCs: Kazenoyon Jeniko, Zanzibar (human wizard), Janneus Duran (half-elf sorcerer), Naria (Erinyes)
Setting: City of Aerna, Outlands
XP: 3444
Additional Info: I don't know if this will cause problems with Akito's stuff, but it's not over yet.

Session 2b
The other half of the party heads for a tiny town called Ahnesor only to discover it has been pulled into the ground.
DM: Akito
Players: Dr. GOD(Rydia), Fallout(Achika), Meiran(Nara), Zagnor(Jennifer)
Major NPCs: Sanira(Tanar'ri general), Catrina(Sanira's right hand woman)
Setting: Ahnesor, Outlands; Sigil
XP: ?
Additional Info: n/a

Session 3
A differently set up party goes to Sigil, picks up a couple new members, and investigates a lead from pilfered documents that were in the posssesion of an incubus general.
DM: Epametheus
Players: Charis (Rainstorm), COM Nutt (Chikara), Neobolts (Mizu-Yasha), Meiran (Nara), Zagnor (Jennifer), Tundra (Danyelle)
Major NPCs: Kazenoyon Jeniko, Vnlck, X'xgrl, Knnq, and a lot of Fiendish Gargoyles
Setting: Sigil
XP: ?
Additional Info: For the sake of continuity, the rest of my previous adventure was plot-damaged.

Session 4
The party begins checking out the leads that they picked up from robbing Knnq.
DM: Epametheus
Players: COM Nutt (Chikara), Dr. GOD (Rydia), Meiran (Nara), Zagnor (Jennifer), Tundra (Danyelle)
Major NPCs: Lillia (half-fiend Drow priestess), Vanalin (Lillia's assistant), and a Noble Salamander that was high on Sludge®.
Setting: Sigil
XP: 2360
Additional Info:

Session 5
The party gets suckered into retreiving an evil artifact.  Bad children!
Players: MUTS (Talyn), Epametheus (Rydia), Akito (Angela), Tundra (Danyelle)
Major NPCs: Vorlag! and some less important people.
Setting: Sigil and the Para-elemental plane of Lightning
XP: 3550 or so (Rydia's total isn't accurate because she made some magic items)
Additional Info:

Session 6a
The party is hired to help perform a jail break.
DM: Epametheus
Players: MUTS (Talyn), Zagnor (Jennifer), Meiran (Nara), Tundra (Danyelle)
Major NPCs: Kalimar the Invincible (a cornugon), and Nanatha (?).
Setting: Sigil and a demonic prison on the first layer of Acheron.
XP: 3778
Additional Info:

Session 6b
The other half is asked to do some body guard duty of r man who just ticked off a high-up spellslinger.
DM: Akito
Players: Epametheus (Rydia), Neobolts (Mizu-yasha), Fallout (Achika), Dr. GOD (Rydia)
Major NPCs: Joe (an aristocrat) and Jeff (L15 sorcerer).
Setting: Sigil
XP: 4588
Additional Info:

Session 7
The party is hired by Uncle Zaggy to retrieve his new teapot, but instead retrieve an evil artifact and stop a brewing conflict in a dual-race town.
DM: Zagnor
Players: MUTS (Talyn), Epametheus (Rydia), Meiran (Nara), Tundra (Danyelle), COM Nutt (Chikara), Charis (Rainstorm)
Major NPCs: XM 47 and Uncle Zaggy.
Setting: A nameless Avariel/human town on a nameless Prime world.
XP: 3358
Additional Info:Well, the artifact was in a box that matched the description of what we were looking for..

Session 8
The party recovers Uncle Zaggy's teapot and wipes out an evil cult in the process.
DM: Zagnor
Players: MUTS (Talyn), Epametheus (Rydia), Meiran (Nara), Tundra (Danyelle)
Major NPCs: Zafgeth (evil cleric), Uncle Zaggy, and John Adelhyde.
Setting: A nameless town on the same nameless Prime world as the previous adventure.
XP: 3500
Additional Info: n/a

Session 9
The party unwittingly helps further an assassination plot by an unknown foe.
DM: Tundra
Players: MUTS (Talyn), Zagnor (Jennifer), Charis (Rainstorm), COM Nutt (Chikara)
Major NPCs: Dr. Ray, Cotton Candy Man, Lucky, and Uncle Zaggy.
Setting: The previous nameless town, the now destroyed town of Stargaze, and a cave near the town of Brumblebuck.
XP: 2800
Additional Info: n/a

Session 10
At the request of a Hound Archon, the party goes on a rescue mission.
DM: Epametheus
Players: MUTS (Talyn), Fallout (Achika), Dr. GOD (Rydia), Akito (Angela)
Major NPCs: Sanlan (12 hit die Hound Archon), Tsun and Chi'an (the 6-year-old prince and princess of the prime kingdom of Caemlis), and one bad Slaad (16 HD Gray).
Setting: Sigil and Pandesmos, the first layer of Pandemonium.
XP: 4200
Additional Info: n/a

Session 11a
The party returns to Toril, to deal with a cell of the Cult of the Dragon.
Players: Neobolts (Mizu-yasha), Fallout (Achika), Epametheus (Rydia), Akito (Angela)
Major NPCs: Bob al'Thor, assorted members of the Dragondust family, and a green dracolich that was severely smited.
Setting: Bob's realm (I'll name it eventually), Sword Coast, Faerun, Toril
XP: 3600
Additional Info: n/a

Session 11b
Yay random Xp!
Players: Neobolts (Mizu-yasha), Fallout (Achika), Epametheus (Rydia), Akito (Angela)
Major NPCs: A polymorphed shmuck?, some guy on a frost worm, a death tyrant, and a sunburned Bodak
Setting: Kingodm of Benden, on the Sword Coast, Faerun, Toril
XP: Totaled up to about 1900
Additional Info: Not worth DM XP

Session 12
Just the introduction of a plotline...
DM: Tundra
Players: MUTS (Talyn), Epametheus (Rydia)
Major NPCs: Ryuko Dragondust (happened to be there at the time), Jasmine Songshard (L4 cleric of Mystra trying to run a temple), and Carnithus (L18 necromancer)
Setting: The Rock of Braal, Realmspace
XP: 3600
Additional Info: n/a

Session 13
The party tries to recover a powerful sword, but doesn't quite pull it off.
DM: Epametheus
Players: Neobolts (Mizu-yasha), MUTS (Talyn), Zagnor (Jennifer), Meiran (Nara), Akito (Angela)
Major NPCs: Jeniko, Anala, Nanatha (NPC of the week), and Gargnaken (the Glabrezu that got away)
Setting: Gargnaken's residence, Othrys, Carceri
XP: 3600
Additional Info: n/a

Session 14
The party tries again, and this time does it right.
DM: Epametheus
Players: Neobolts (Mizu-yasha), MUTS (Talyn), Tundra (Ryuko)
Major NPCs: Jeniko, Nanatha (NPC of the week), and Gargnaken (the Glabrezu that didn't get away)
Setting: Gargnaken's new residence, Niflheim, Gray Waste
XP: 8714
Additional Info: Jennifer, Nara, Anala, Angela -- add 3500 gp to your sheets; ya still got paid

Session 15
The party fends off an attack made upon thier ship by an evil organization.
DM: Zagnor
Players: Akito (Angela), Neobolts (Mizu-yasha), Dr. GOD (Rydia), Epametheus (Rydia), Tundra (Ryuko)
Major NPCs: Jeniko and lots of evil people who put up a really good fight.
Setting: On the ship, near Mace's realm, Oerth
XP: 8515?
Additional Info: n/a

Session 16
The party gets in a really big mess, and apparetnly managed to cause it without even knowing it.
DM: Tundra
Players: Neobolts (Mizu-yasha), Dr. GOD (Rydia), Epametheus (Rydia), Zagnor (Jennifer), MUTS (Talyn), Meiran (Narasin)
Major NPCs: Black Shadow (newbie evil proxy), Misaru (the princess of the kingdom of Pistol), and possibly Ajala (a diety).
Setting: Sigil, then an underground temple on the world of Ajala, and then the city of Pistol, also on Ajala.
XP: See session 18
Additional Info: n/a

Session 17
The party meets a clueless monk, then tries to get Jennifer a jelly doughnut, and finally is hired to stop a cult and prevent some badness & evilness in Shadowdale.
DM: Akito
Players: Dr. GOD (Rydia), Meiran (Narasin), Rysor (Kerith), Zagnor (Jennifer)
Major NPCs: Anala.
Setting:Sigil & later Shadowdale, Faerun, Toril
XP: 3,500
Additional Info: n/a

Session 18
The party fosters the birth of a diety on the planet of Ajala.
DM: Tundra
Players: Neobolts (Mizu-yasha), Dr. GOD (Rydia), Epametheus (Rydia), Zagnor (Jennifer), MUTS (Talyn), Meiran (Narasin), Shandroa (Sylvia)
Major NPCs: Black Shadow (newbie evil proxy), Ja (demipower of Death), assorted priests of Ajala Reversed.
Setting: Assorted locations on Ajala
XP: for sessions 16 and 18 combined: 11,000
Additional Info: n/a

Session 19a
The party ventures into the past in order to prevent the assination of Zagnor Adelhyde.
DM: Zagnor
Players: Neobolts (Cutie Pie), Epametheus (Rydia), Tundra (Danyelle), MUTS (Talyn), Shandroa (Sylvia)
Major NPCs: Molly the Chronomancer, Zagnor Adelhyde, Rydia Winddancer, and Michelle the Pixie
Setting: Assorted locations on Oerth, then Molly's home on Bytopia, and then the Rock of Bral, Realmspace, 50 years ago
XP: ?
Additional Info: n/a

Session 19b
The party ventures into Baator in order to rescue Zagnor Adelhyde.
DM: Zagnor
Players: Neobolts (Mizu-Yasha), Akito (Angela), Tundra ("Rydia" Dragondust), Meiran (Narasin), Dr. GOD (Rydia)
Major NPCs: Zagnor Adelhyde, Samantha Windslasher Adelhyde, Bob al'Thor, and assorted baatezu
Setting: The Planejammer, and then some area in Baator
XP: ?
Additional Info: n/a

Session 20
The party is hired to help a collecter recover her favorite piece from her collection from a thief.
DM: Meiran
Players: Neobolts (Cutie Pie), Epametheus (Rydia), MUTS (Talyn), Tundra (Danyelle), Zagnor (Jennifer), Dr. GOD (Rydia)
Major NPCs: Lady Dhruva and Paulomy the barbarian
Setting: Druva and Paulomy's respective mansions, some Prime Material World
XP: See session 22
Additional Info: n/a

Session 21
The party is hired to protect the First Bank of Sigil, and learns a bit more about the Casters.
DM: Tundra
Players: Epametheus (Rydia), Shandroa (Sylvia), Zagnor (Jennifer), Meiran (Narasin)
Major NPCs: Bob al'Thor, and assorted people who got smited
Setting: Sigil
XP: 3750
Additional Info: This was run before 22, but takes place after it

Session 22
The party goes to force a wizard to remove a curse, and gets more than they bargained for.
DM: Meiran
Players: Neobolts (Cutie Pie), Epametheus (Rydia), Tundra (Danyelle), MUTS (Talyn), Zagnor (Jennifer), Dr. GOD (Rydia)
Major NPCs: Ryuko Dragondust, Anala, and others.
Setting: A wizard's tower, some Prime Material World -- or perhaps some demiplane..
XP: For 20 and 22 -- 10000
Additional Info: n/a

Session 23
The party is hired recover an orb from an island of stability in Limbo.
DM: Tundra
Players: Neobolts (Mizu-Yasha), Epametheus (Rydia), Shandroa (Sylvia), Zagnor (Jennifer), Meiran (Narasin), Dr. GOD (Rydia)
Major NPCs: Errr.. Mialee, Jozan, and co.?
Setting: An island of stability in Limbo
XP: 5500 or so
Additional Info: n/a

Session 24
The party helps save Mizu-yasha's clan from a group of flame sword-wielding psychopaths.
DM: Tundra
Players: Epametheus (Rydia), Shandroa (Sylvia), Zagnor (Jennifer), Dr. GOD (Rydia)
Major NPCs: Tenki-ru (the son of Tenki-Shujin) and Nene Dragondust (priestess of Tenki-Shujin)
Setting: Karandia
XP: 7000 or so
Additional Info: n/a

Session 25
The party finally meets the man who would become Asmodeus, and has to rescue Jenny..
DM: Tundra
Players: Epametheus (Rydia), Shandroa (Sylvia), Zagnor (Jennifer), MUTS (Talyn), Dr. GOD (Rydia)
Major NPCs: Bram Narafashi (possessed telepath)
Setting: Sigil
XP: seee session 26
Additional Info: n/a

Session 26
The party finally takes down the man who would be Asmodeus.
DM: Tundra
Players: Epametheus (Rydia), Shandroa (Sylvia), Zagnor (Jennifer), MUTS (Talyn), Dr. GOD (Rydia)
Major NPCs: Bram Narafashi (possessed telepath)
Setting: Outlands
XP: 28000
Additional Info: n/a

"Special" Session
Someone has stolen all the ketchup.
DM: Marrissa and Dr. GOD
Players: Zagnor (Jennifer), Meiran (Narasin), Tundra (Tundra)
Major NPCs: Mark the Doughnut Baker, The Lady of Pain, Marrissa and Dr. GOD!
Setting: Sigil
XP: 500
Additional Info: This adventure was not worth XP.
