Day: July 29, 2006

QotD: Discovering Music

Go to one random page in Explore Audio. What CD do you see that you’re most interested in listening to?


This is the cd I decided on, mainly because I don’t actually know any of the songs, but I’m sure I’ve heard them before on my yahoo radio station.  So I think it’d be cool to get to know the songs better, plus it’s a very interesting name.

This might be one I add to my collection just to see what it’s like, granted it’s available on







The Safe-Keeper’s Secret by Sharon Shinn

The Safe-Keeper's SecretThe Safe-Keeper’s Secret
Sharon Shinn

I just got done reading this book.  It was sitting in the living room, I was half paying attention to the VH1 top 20, so I decided to pick it up.  And then continued reading it until I was done, minus a bathroom break or two.  It was a very enjoyable experience.  The kitty curled up in my lap, a very nice way to spend the morning.

I loved the book.  I love most books I read so that’s probably not a surprise.  But it was very engaging and still simple.  The premise of having Safe-Keepers, and Truth-Tellers, and Dream-Makers is one I find intriguing.  I really enjoyed this book, a very good, fast read that made me feel good.  I now have to read the next book, The Truth-Teller’s tale.  I hope that it at least touches on the characters from this story, because I want to know more about them.
